Get your rhythm back
People from all across northeast Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula travel to Aurora BayCare for their heart care. That’s because we provide highly specialized treatments, using the latest technology and research.
Get Treated by an EP Specialist
When you visit Aurora BayCare for heart rhythm problems, you’ll see a cardiac electrophysiologist, also known as an EP cardiologist. These cardiac doctors specialize in the electrical function of the heart. Arrhythmia patients treated by electrophysiologists have better outcomes, including lower risk of complications, hospital readmission, and mortality.
EP Lab: Latest Tools and Treatment

Aurora BayCare offers our patients a state-of-the-art electrophysiology lab, featuring the latest diagnostic technology and treatment options. This resource, along with the advanced expertise of our electrophysiologists, allows us to offer many complex procedures and device implants, including:
- AFib (atrial fibrillation) ablations
- Atrial flutter ablations
- Ablations: supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias
- EP studies to detect and map arrhythmias
- Implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs)
- Pacemakers
- Biventricular pacemakers and defibrillators
- Loop recorders
- Tilt table testing
- Transesophageal echocardiography
- Cardioversion
Atrial Fibrillation Center of Excellence
Aurora BayCare Medical Center is a destination for specialized care of atrial fibrillation. We have developed an Atrial Fibrillation Center of Excellence where patients can get the latest evidence-based therapies to treat their disease.
As part of that effort, Aurora BayCare Medical Center is the first hospital in Wisconsin to receive the American Heart Association’s Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Gold Quality Achievement Award. This award is granted to heart care facilities that demonstrate expertise and commitment to quality patient care by meeting stringent criteria.
We have an overriding focus on quality in our own arrhythmia program, so we are continuously evaluating outcomes and setting new benchmarks for our specialty, not only in the Green Bay market but in national standards.
Patients receiving cardiac ablation treatment at Aurora BayCare have higher success rates, fewer complications, lower readmissions, and reduced need for repeat procedures when compared to national and international outcomes.
We also provide an ongoing AFib support and education group and offer the first cardiac yoga program of its kind in the state.
EP Clinical Research

Our electrophysiologists are some of the most active researchers in the Aurora BayCare system. Through clinical research, they’re furthering medical advances in heart rhythm care for people around the world, especially our neighbors right here in northeast Wisconsin.
We are involved in research to further knowledge in arrhythmias, specifically in the field of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter as it relates to heart failure. We are also working on large scale population studies to define the best treatment for patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
Pacemaker and Defibrillator Care
The Aurora BayCare cardiac electrophysiology team also provides ongoing outpatient services, supporting patients with heart rhythm disorders. Treatment includes device monitoring and education for anyone with implanted arrhythmia control devices. Learn more about our Device Clinic.
Choose Aurora BayCare for Heart Rhythm Care
Aurora BayCare has a highly experienced team of fellowship trained electrophysiologists. These heart specialists are specially trained to treat heart rhythm problems and offer the latest procedures to treat arrhythmias.
- Better outcomes: Patients receiving cardiac ablation treatment at Aurora BayCare have higher success rates, fewer complications, lower readmissions, and reduced need for repeat procedures when compared to national and international outcomes.
- Research and clinical trials: Our electrophysiologists are active researchers, finding better ways to treat your heart rhythms. We also participate in clinical trials, providing you access to the latest treatments.
- Low fluoroscopy: Aurora BayCare offers the latest low-dose fluoroscopy ablation for cardiac ablation. This new approach lowers X-ray dose by more than 75%, compared to traditional low-dose methods.
- Cutting edge equipment: EP labs with the latest equipment, including three-dimensional mapping systems and intracardiac ultrasound, to map and treat complex arrhythmias.